Lectio Divina



 "Lectio Divina" means 'holy reading'. and it is a discipline which helps us to blend Scripture and prayer together so that we can go deeper in our relationship with God. It consists of four different steps: reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation.


1. Reading

a. Choose a passage of Scripture (anything from 1 verse to 15 verses).

b. Start by asking the Holy Spirit to shine light and insight on it as you read.

c. Read it through several times. If possible, read it out loud.

2. Meditation

a. Think about it. Make your brain work hard. What was the person writing trying to say?

b. What happens in the story?

c. What does it mean for your life today?

d. Is there one word or phrase which really shouts at you from the page?

e. What is it saying about you and your life today?

3. Prayer

a. Respond to God. Speak out to Him your personal response to what you've read.

b. Tell Him how it makes you feel. Tell Him what comforts you and what challenges you. Ask for His help to live out the truths you've uncovered today

4. Contemplation: Resting in God's presence

a. Stop. Be still. Stop talking, stop asking and slow your brain down. This is the time for listening to Him, for letting the Holy Spirit talk back to you.

b. Spend some time silently listening to God. Go beyond all the words you've read. and allow God to root you in truth and wrap you in love.